Park Rules
Our park rules are in place to ensure all of our guests are able to enjoy our wonderful location and amenities. We appreciate your cooperation!

- Do not leave children under age 16 unattended. Do not allow your children to play in other peoples campsites, the driveways or drive motorized machines.
- Adults are responsible for their children’s safety and whereabouts at all times and are liable for their actions.
- Dogs must be on a leash no longer than 6 feet long and attached to a person. Winthrop municipal code prohibits allowing dogs to roam free. The police can and will ticket you if you allow your dogs to roam without a leash.
- You must clean up after your pet immediately.
- If your pet becomes a nuisance to other guests for any reason you may be asked to remove your pet from the park and/or to leave without a refund. For example, leaving your pet locked up, all alone and barking in your RV will do the trick.
- Please do not feed or try to pet the deer ~ even though they seem tame. The Town of Winthrop also prohibits feeding the deer. Be especially alert during fawning season. The deer may attack your dog if they consider it a threat to their fawn(s).
- Please do not leave any food or garbage outside your RV or on your picnic table. The deer will get into it.
Park Grounds
- Speed limit in the park is a strict 5 miles per hour.
- Dumpsters are located on the premise. We ask you to leave your site as you found it and deposit all garbage into dumpsters. Recycling is located next to the dumpsters.
- Smokers: Cigarette butts are considered garbage. Please do not throw them on the ground.
- If you need to dispose of raw meat, fish innards, etc. please triple bag them and seal as airtight as possible.
- Outside storage of ANY unsightly material is prohibited. (By whose definition? OURS)
- Please respect other people’s space. Do not walk through their campsites.
- Please do not park in empty campsites without our permission.
- Please ~ no mats on the grass without our permission.
- Please us the Hot Pad Table Protector provided on your picnic table for stoves, barbeques, hot dishes, etc. If it is missing let us know and we will provide you with another.
- Please use the outdoor sink behind the Log Cabin to wash your dishes if you are not equipped with a sink.
- Please consider turning off or down your air conditioner or heater when you are not in your RV. Your RV will cool down quickly when you turn the AC back on upon arrival. Thank you for helping us to keep our rates affordable and for being considerate of the environment.
- Please do not use tarps for any reason without our permission.
- If you leave your laundry unattended, it may be removed by another person wanting to use the machines.
- If you use our Showers, clean them up for the next person.
Fires & Fireworks
- Fires are allowed in designated fire pits. Do not move them. Firewood is available from office. Do not burn or leave garbage in pits. Never leave fires unattended and please extinguish fires completely with water. We reserve the right to disallow fires at any time during the year.
- Discharge of fireworks, firearms or explosives of any kind will result in immediate eviction from the park.
Check-in, Check-out, Quiet Time
- Quiet time is 10pm to 7am. Excessive noise, drunkenness, abusive or profane language will not be tolerated. (By whose definition? OURS)
- Check in time is 2:00pm. Check out is 11:00am. (If you would like to stay longer we can often
accommodate you at no charge but you must check with us.)
Got a Question? Contact Us
This is a privately owned park. Guests accept camping privileges with the understanding that he/she releases Pine Near RV Park & Campground, Subsidiaries, Owners, Officers, Volunteers and Employees against claims resulting from loss or damage to property or personal injury arising out of the use of any Pine Near Park property or facility.